T-Minus 3-hours till CARVE rewards.

2 min readDec 6, 2020


Current Block Stats:

Estimated Target Date: Sat Dec 05 2020 20:39:51 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)

Countdown For Block:


Current Block:


Remaining Blocks:


What does this mean?

  • Once live, you will receive $CARVE for the LP staked on our platform.
  • You will need to stake the different UNIv2 LP’s, and you will get $CARVE in return. The boosted rewards last about 2 weeks — so the early adopters will reap the benefits of supporting the project

🔒 🧭 Timelock:

In good faith to our community, we have also migrated our ownership of the contract to a deployed timelock contract. You can also find the tx hash found here.

Dont forget to follow us! The LIVE📣 announcement will be made on our community channels.

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